week two: 14/09 - 20/09
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For the second week, we're continuing with more IG posts - more content engagement etc. and updating IG stories. Filling up our account with 'things'. On the server meanwhile, we're researching on Open Servers on Mulitplayer and figuring out how to set up custom world seeds.
On the outreach side, we planned to reach into MC forums. But that didn't happen because, HICCUPS.
We're waiting for more sign-ups, meanwhile we're also discussing on how to run the showcase. Thinking about the logistics - How & Where to Stream, Who would do it, What events happening during showcase? etc.
And we updated the IG Story highlights as well! But we had this one HICCUP...
we realized that we're unable to run an online open server with our laptops / PCs.
Work accomplished:
Continued IG Posts & Story went up, discussed with YH on showcase logistics & informed team on decisions.
Tried to set up an Open Server;
realized it's not possible.
Decided to bring the plan back into current paid private server (Realms).
Some struggles:
The server setup went south so fast.
And trying to get everyone on the same page was surprisingly difficult, but we still communicate well.
We had to come up with a totally new plan to fit the project's objectives into the now Private server.
An online server runs only if the host's device is running said server, our devices aren't built to run mega things like these. This plan is IMPOSSIBLE.
This was some kind of Mad Dash for making new improvised plans for the showcase without a Live-Streaming audience yet (no Twitch.tv account at this point).
But we worked that since we can't host for Minecraft players to come and play in our server, we just had to lean into the Exhibition / Gallery style more so. Our audience isn't for MC players / general audience anymore, we decided to target our own Artist Community.
We'd have a small group of artist-player to create works in the Realm (private server) as per usual, but we'd showcase it to everyone but mainly to our own scene. Marketing, invites, all that traditionally reserved for shows in galleries stuff. Yes. You'll be getting an invite very soon dear lecturers haha!
Here I'll pluck from our porject gantt chart, you'll get it: