week ten 09/11 - 16/11
all builds
And here we are, the last week of preparing. And the Showcase itself. For 10 recorded weeks and many more prior to this, all the work, planning, discussions, recruitment finally paying off.
This whole project hasn't been a curatorial centric project, in an institutional sense. And I wouldn't have had it any other way!
The week leading up to the Open Stream was quiet, the calm before the storm. Meanwhile I was frantically trying to finish up my builds actually, I decided to clock in 5 Map Arts in total. And also decided on one fine day going home from school (with YH playing devil's advocate) - that I'll do 1 piece that's a QR Code.
And so I did, and lost half my brain and a grand total of 8 hours over the span of 2 days. Compared to my other pieces which took 2 - 3 hours max in total on the same day...aha, what have I done?
And so here's me losing my mind, you can tell with the song choices too. [laughs]
Honestly, 3 weeks prior to this week has been nothing but workload increasing, so it's really a miracle we all managed to pull off the Opening Stream & Discussion Panel, together with the artist talk albeit with minor hiccups. I won't ramble too much and just let the videos explain themselves.
I'd like to thank my team, moderators, lecturers & my co-curator to help make this project into a reality. Fully realized project, amazing! And we'll further improve on our messy handling in the next season, a more focused and structured approach.